Te-am iubit prea mult
I loved you too much
Ca să pot s-ascult
so I could listen
Glasul care m-avertiza...
the voice that was attentioning me
(Aşa am crezut şi noi!)
(So we also thought!)
Te-am iubit prea tare
I loved you too much
Ca să văd că-n zare
to see that in the sky
Chipul tău sub soare pălea...
your face was fading under the sun
(Aşa am crezut şi noi!)
(So we also thought!)
Da, da' voi m-aţi lăsat să cred
Yeah, but you left me believe
Că cu-adevărat avea
that she really had
Să îmi dea ceva,
something to give
Şi ea n-avea nimic de dat...
but she had nothing to give!
(Aşa am crezut şi noi!)
(So we also thought!)