Mmm... Dis-de-dimineaţă,
Mmmm...Early in the morning
De la Sovata am venit,
I came from Sovata
Mmm... Dis-de-dimineaţă,
Mmmm...Early in the morning
De la Sovata am venit,
I came from Sovata
Te-am căutat peste tot,
I searched everywhere
Nicăieri nu te-am găsit...
Found you nowhere...
Am fost şi la Căciulata,
I was even at Căciulata,
Am fost şi la Călimăneşti,
I was even at Călimăneşti,
Am fost şi la Căciulata,
I was even at Căciulata,
Am fost şi la Călimăneşti,
I was even at Călimăneşti,
Am întrebat de tine,
I asked about you
Nimeni nu ştie unde eşti...
No one knows where are you!...
Spune-mi c-ai plecat,
Tell me you have gone
Spune-mi că te-ai dus,
Tell me that you left
Dar nu mă lăsa să te tot caut
But don't let me search about you
Cînd în Est, cînd în Apus,
in the East or in the West,
Poate eşti la Baia Mare !
Maybe you're at Baia Mare
Poate eşti la Baia Mare !
Maybe you're at Baia Mare
Eu nu-ţi ştiu adresa,
I don't know your adress
Tu nu-mi scrii nici o scrisoare !
You don't write me any letter!