Chiar la uşa casei mele s-a deschis un magazin...
Just at my place's door, a shop was open
Chiar la uşa casei mele s-a deschis un magazin...
Just at my place's door, a shop was open
Toate rafturile-s goale,
All the aisles are empty,
Da-năuntru-i de lume plin !
but it's crowded inside!
După jumate de-oră a venit maşina,
After half an hour, the van had come,
După jumate de-oră a venit maşina,
After half an hour, the van had come,
Da' nu ştim ce-a adus pentru că s-a stins lumina.
But we don't know what they brought, because the light went out
Am stat la coadă două ore jumate,
I sat at the queue for two hours and a half
Am stat la coadă două ore jumate,
I sat at the queue for two hours and a half
Noi aveam buletine, ei cereau paşapoarte !
We had IDs, they had passports