Te-ai grăbit să pleci,
You left in a rush,
Mîinile tale erau groaznic de reci
your hands were cold as ice
Şi, din graba ta,
and from your rush
Am păstrat cumva
I've kept somehow
Un oftat ciudat,
a strange sigh
so far away...
Te-ai grăbit să pleci,
You left in a rush
Nici măcar nu ştiu ce faci, pe-unde treci,
You don't even know what you're going to do, where you're gonna go
Dacă ţi-aş vorbi
If I'd talk to you
Nu m-ai auzi,
you won't hear me,
Nici un telefon
No telephone
Nu mai are ton...
has any tone at all...
Nori de fier,
clouds of iron
Ceaţă-n loc de cer...
Fog instead of sky...
E greu fără tine...
It's hard without you...