Translation of the song De ce îmi place ea artist Alexandru Andrieș
De ce îmi place ea
Why do I like her
Cînd merge cu mine pe stradă
When she's walking with me down the street
Cîntă mereu ceva,
she's always singing something
Acasă adoarme în hol,
At her home, she sleeps in the hallway
Nici vorbă de pijama.
with no pijamas at all.
Mama ei o ceartă şi-i spune
Her mother scolds and tells her
Că nu se mai poate aşa,
that it can't happen this way anymore,
Da' mie ea îmi răspunde:
but she tells me:
Asta nu-i treaba
That's not
Asta nu-i treaba
That's not
Asta nu-i treaba ta !
That's none of your business!
Se uită tot timpu-n vitrine
She looks in the shop windows
Să vadă cum îi stă,
to see how she looks like
Se plimbă prin magazine,
she's walking through the shops;
N-o lăsa singură !
Never let her alone!
Pleacă toată ziua de-acasă,
All through the day she's leaving home
Doar seara tîrziu dai de ea,
You find her late in the night,
Dar dac-o-ntrebi cînd se-ntoarce, îţi spune:
but if you ask her when she's coming back, she says:
Asta nu-i treaba
That's not
Asta nu-i treaba
That's not
Asta nu-i treaba ta !
That's none of your business!
Îi place mult
I love so much
Să-i povestesc
to tell her
Ce-am mai citit între timp,
what I've read so far,
Stă şi-ascultă ce-i spun,
she sits and listens what I say
Îi place...(îi place... îi place)
She loves... (she loves... she loves)
Dacă-i soare afară,
If it's sunny outside,
Vrea în parc imediat,
she wants to go in the park,
Vrea la film şi la teatru,
she wants to go to the movies and theater,
Vrea cu barca pe lac,
she wants to go by boat on the lake,
Vrea îngheţată şi vată de zahăr
she wants ice-cream and cotton-candy
Şi tort cu blat de bezea,
and cake with meringue countertop
Vrea tot anul vacanţă,
she wants vacation for all the year,
De-aia îmi place
That's why I like
De-aia îmi place
That's why I like
De-aia îmi place
That's why I like
De-aia îmi place
That's why I like
De-aia îmi place ea !
That's why I like her!