Translation of the song De vină-i Ioana artist Alexandru Andrieș


De vină-i Ioana

English translation

It's Joanne's fault!

Eram la pămînt,

I was down

Eram la podea:

I was on the floor

Într-o astfel de clipă

In that kind of moment,

A apărut ea.

she came.

Ea mi-a zîmbit,

She smiled to me

Şi eu i-am zîmbit;

I smiled to her too

I-am dat sufletul meu,

Gave her my soul,

Ea l-a mototolit,

she crushed it,

L-a aruncat pe jos... (L-a aruncat pe jos)

threw it down... (threw it down)

L-a aruncat pe jos... (L-a aruncat pe jos)

threw it down... (threw it down)

Te-ntreb: aşa ceva, cui i-a fost de folos ?

I ask you: something like that, to whom was useful?

L-am luat de jos,

I took it

Am vrut să-l repar.

wanted to repair it

Meşterul mi-a zis:

repairman told me:

Te zbaţi în zadar !

you're struggling in vain!

Uită-te la mine,

Look at me,

Am păr alb în mustăţi:

I got white hair in my moustach:

Sufletul tău e făcut bucăţi,

Your soul is torn in pieces,

Mai bine lasă-l jos ! (Mai bine lasă-l jos),

Better let it down (Better let it down)

Mai bine lasă-l jos ! (Mai bine lasă-l jos)

Better let it down (Better let it down)

Te-ntreb: aşa bucăţi cui i-ar fi de folos ?

I ask you: such pieces, to whom would be useful?

L-am rugat frumos:

I asked him nicely:

Nu mă lăsa aşa,

Don't let me this way

E imposibil

It's impossible

Să nu fie ceva !

that something won't work out!

El a zis: Există,

He told me: There is,

Da' e foarte dureros,

but it's very painful,

Şi nici măcar nu ştiu dacă-i de vreun folos,

and I don't even know if it's worthy,

Mai bine stai aşa (mai bine laşi aşa),

better sit like that (better let it like that)

Mai bine stai aşa (mai bine laşi aşa),

better sit like that (better let it like that)

Şi-n loc de suflet îţi pun

and instead of soul, I'm gonna give you

O bucată de tinichea !

a piece of tin!

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