Translation of the song Dragă Şeherezada artist Alexandru Andrieș


Dragă Şeherezada

English translation

Dear Sheherezada

Dragă Seherazada,

Dear Sheherezada,

Uite acolo-i grămada,

there is the lot,

Alege-ţi o pereche,

choose a pair

Da' vezi să nu fie veche,

but see if it ain't old

Vezi să nu fie murdară

See if it ain't dirty

Cum s-a-ntîmplat aseară,

as last night happened

Haide, începe-ţi povestea

Please, start your story

Că pe-urmă trecem la chestia a doua, haide

'cause then we go to the second thingy!

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Şeicul din Bagdad

The sheik from Baghdad

Era un om foarte slab,

was such a weak man

Toată lumea ştia

Everyone knew about it

Şi numai de asta vorbea...

and only about it was talking

Cînd cineva prin Bagdad trecea

If someone from Baghdad was passing through,

Îndată, îndată afla

Imediately found out

Despre şeicul din Bagdad

about the sheik from Baghdad

Şi punctul lui foarte foarte foarte slab !

and his very very weak point.

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Da' vezi că-ntr-o bună zi

But hey, one day

O comisie întreagă veni

an entyre commission had come

Şi merse drept la şeicul din Bagdad

and went straight to the sheik from Baghdad

Care-avea un punct foarte slab

that had a weak point

Şi zise Cum e posibil ca-n Bagdad

and said How can this possible that in Baghdad

Să fie şeic un om c-un punct slab,

is a sheik with a weak point

Cînd, în alte părţi, c-un punct slab

when in other places in the world, with a weak point

Nu ajungi nici măcar zugrav, tovarăşi !

you can't even be a painter, comrades!

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr tatatatata

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr tatatatata

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Da' vezi că şeicul din Bagdad

But hey, the sheik from Baghdad

Care-avea un punct foarte slab

that had a weak point

Ţinea prin sertare

was hiding in his drawers

Şi-un punct foarte tare...

even a strong point...

Aşa că comisia veni

So the commission had come

Şi, după ce se sfătui,

and after some advice,

Decise prin comparaţie

decided through comparison

Că-ntr-o astfel de situaţie, tovarăşi...

that in this situation, comrades....

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

Trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr trr

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