Translation of the song E altcineva artist Alexandru Andrieș


E altcineva

English translation

There's someone else

Când te sun târziu acasă,

When I call you home late,

Mi se spune c-ai plecat...

they tell me you've left...

Vocea care îmi răspunde

The voice that answers me

Mă confundă cu-alt băiat!

confuses me with some other boy!

Cine e?

Who is he?

Cine e?

Who is he?

Nu pot afla...

I cannot figure out...

Cine e?

Who is he?

Cine e?

Who is he?

Nu pot afla...

I cannot figure out...

Tatăl tău îmi spune

Your daddy tells me

C-are-acelaşi nume

that he has the same name

Şi probabil sunt tot eu...

and, probably, it's still me!...

Nu-ncerca să scapi de mine,

Don't you try to avoid me

Nu fugi din calea mea,

Don't run away from me

Doar un lucru vreau să aflu,

There's just one thing that I want to know

Numai tu-mi poţi explica:

Only you can explain me:

Cine e?

Who is he?

Cine e?

Who is he?

Nu pot afla...

I cannot figure out...

Cine e?

Who is he?

Cine e?

Who is he?

Nu pot afla...

I cannot figure out...

Cine e?

Who is he?

Cine e?

Who is he?

Nu pot afla...

I cannot figure out...

Cine e?

Who is he?

Cine e?

Who is he?

Nu pot afla...

I cannot figure out...

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