Voia neapărat
She really wanted
Să mergem undeva
Us to go some place
Unde va fi minunat -
Where it would be great -
Cel puţin aşa spunea -
At least that what she said -
Dar uite că afară ploua
But hey, it's raining
De-a dreptul enervant,
Really annoying,
The tram was late
Şi-asta era exasperant...
And that was annoying too,
Ce spui tu e foarte interesant...
What you're saying there is very interesting...
Gazda era frumoasă
The host was beautiful
Şi plină de-ntrebări,
And had a lot of questions,
Ea era la ea acasă,
She was at her home
Eu eram la gustări.
While I was taking a bite.1
De ce nu fac aşa cum simt?
Why don't I ever do what I feel ?
De ce nu fac cum gândesc?
Why don't I ever do what I think ?
De ce merg de-a dreptul?
Why do I go straight forward ?
De ce ocolesc?
Why do I also run in circles ?
Ce spui tu e foarte interesant ...
What you're saying there is very interesting...
În spatele-ntrebărilor, ochii ei mari
Behind those questions, her big eyes
Îmi şopteau doar mie, să nu cumva să tresari,
Were whispering only to me, don't quiver,
Lasă-mă puţin, doar puţin, doar puţin,
Let me just a bit, just a bit, just a bit,
În câteva clipe îţi promit că termin,
I promise I finish in a few moments,
Mâine sunt invitat
I'm invited tomorrow too
Şi nu ştiu de ce simt că
And I know that
Va fi minunat.
It will be just great
Deşi n-o să stau mult, zău că
Even if I won't be there too long, I swear
Am mănuşi invizibile,
I have invisible gloves,
Am un zâmbet crocant,
A crunchy smile,
Am gânduri intangibile
Untouchable thoughts
Şi-o să răspund elegant:
And I'll answer politely:
Ce spui tu e foarte interesant...
What you're saying there is very interesting...
Ce spui tu e foarte interesant...
What you're saying there is very interesting...