Translation of the song La cinema artist Alexandru Andrieș


La cinema

English translation

At the cinema

Am sunat acasă la ea,

I called her at her home,

Mi-a răspuns altcineva:

someone else has answered:

Să ştii că nu e aici,

You know, she's not here,

E plecată la servici !

she's at work!

Am întrebat: Cînd să revin ?

I asked: When should I call back?

Mi s-a spus s-aştept puţin.

They said to wait a little,

Am aşteptat cam un minut,

I've waited for a minute

După care s-a-ntrerupt...

and then I got disconnected...

Cerul e jos şi-ascuns de nori,

The sky is down and hidden by clouds

Se-aude ceasul de două ori...

The clock is ticking two times...

Păsări tot zboară undeva,

Birds are flying somwhere,

Poate-o să plouă curînd...

Maybe soon it's gonna rain...

Am sunat şi la servici,

I've called at her work,

Cineva mi-a zis Nu-i aici !

someone said She's not here!

Încearcă mata la 102,

Try at 102,

Strînge nişte date pentru noi !

get some data for us!

La 102 era ocupat,

At 102 the line was busy

Aşa c-am închis şi-am mai aşteptat...

so I closed and I waited a little...

M-am dus la chioşc, norocul meu:

Got to the little shop, what a luck:

Mi-a schimbat cinci lei în fise de-un leu !

they changed my 5 lei (bill) in coins of 1 leu!

Acum aştept pe trotuar,

Now I'm waiting on the sidewalk

Sper că nu în zadar.

hopefully not in vain.

Am flori, bomboane,

I got flowers, candies,

Fise de telefoane !

telephone coins!

Am şi-o surpriză pentru ea:

I also got a surprise:

Diseară mergem la cinema, uuu

Tonight we're going to the cinema!

Diseară mergem la cinema

Tonight we're going to the cinema!

Diseară mergem la cinema

Tonight we're going to the cinema!

Diseară mergem la cinema

Tonight we're going to the cinema!

Diseară mergem la cinema

Tonight we're going to the cinema!

Diseară mergem la cinema

Tonight we're going to the cinema!

Diseară mergem la cinema, da,

Tonight we're going to the cinema!, yeah!

Diseară mergem la cinema

Tonight we're going to the cinema!

Diseară mergem la cinema

Tonight we're going to the cinema!

Diseară mergem la cinema

Tonight we're going to the cinema!

Diseară mergem la cinema

Tonight we're going to the cinema!

Diseară mergem la cinema

Tonight we're going to the cinema!

Diseară mergem la cinema !

Tonight we're going to the cinema!

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