Translation of the song La Rovine artist Alexandru Andrieș


La Rovine

English translation

At Rovine

Vorbind pe şleau şi fără sfială

Talking clearly and without shyness,

Nu aveam o bază tehnico-materială,

we had no technical-material basis

Teoretic vorbind şi privind obiectiv

Theoretically speaking and looking objectively,

Recunoaştem deschis că era cam frig,

we must recognize that it was a little cold,

Din punct de vedere numeric susţin

Numerically speaking, i must say

Că prin comparaţie eram cam puţini, dar

that in comparison (with nowadays) we were a few, but

La Rovine (La Rovine)

At Rovine (At Rovine)

La Rovine (La Rovine)

At Rovine (At Rovine)

O mare victorie am obţinut !

We gained a big victory!

La Rovine (La Rovine)

At Rovine (At Rovine)

La Rovine (La Rovine)

At Rovine (At Rovine)

O mare victorie am obţinut !

We gained a big victory!

Din punct de vedere al vîrstei vorbind

Talking from the point of the age,

Mircea era bătrîn şi puţin suferind,

Mircea was old and a little ill,

Duşmanul, prin spate, încet şuşotea

the enemy whispered on the back

Cum că-i tremura mîna fiindcă-i plăcea să bea.

that his hand was shaking because he liked to drink,

Cert e însă că părul i se cam albise

The fact is that his hair got kinda white

Şi că pe la tîmple i se cam rărise, dar

and kinda rare on the temples, but

La Rovine (La Rovine)

At Rovine (At Rovine)

La Rovine (La Rovine)

At Rovine (At Rovine)

O mare victorie am obţinut !

We gained a big victory!

La Rovine (La Rovine)

At Rovine (At Rovine)

La Rovine (La Rovine)

At Rovine (At Rovine)

O mare victorie am obţinut !

We gained a big victory!

Turcii şi-astăzi susţin că nu-s ei de vină,

The turkish people still say that it wasn't their fault,

Că erau condiţii grele de-orientare şi climă,

that there were hard conditions of climate and orientation,

Că erau bani puţini şi pericol de boală,

that there were little money and sickness danger,

Că noroiul n-avea densitatea normală,

that the mud had no normal density

Că metoda de luptă era demodată,

that the fighting technicque was old-fashioned

Că mlaştina fusese evident trucată, dar

and the swamp was fake, but

La Rovine (La Rovine)

At Rovine (At Rovine)

La Rovine (La Rovine)

At Rovine (At Rovine)

O mare victorie am obţinut !

We gained a big victory!

La Rovine (La Rovine)

At Rovine (At Rovine)

La Rovine (La Rovine)

At Rovine (At Rovine)

O mare victorie am obţinut !

We gained a big victory!

La Rovine (La Rovine)

At Rovine (At Rovine)

La Rovine (La Rovine)

At Rovine (At Rovine)

O mare victorie am obţinut !

We gained a big victory!

La Rovine (La Rovine)

At Rovine (At Rovine)

La Rovine (La Rovine)

At Rovine (At Rovine)

O mare victorie am obţinut !

We gained a big victory!

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