Mă doare măseaua, da' mi-e frică de dentist...
I've got a toothache, but I'm scared of the dentist
Mă doare măseaua, da' mi-e frică de dentist...
I've got a toothache, but I'm scared of the dentist
De-aia nu pot să dorm noaptea,
That's why I can't sleep at night
Ziua nu mănânc, de-aia sunt trist!
I don't eat during the day, that's why I'm sad!
Am intrat în cabinet cam pe la ora două,
I entered the (dental) office at about 2 p.m.,
Am intrat în cabinet cam pe la ora două,
I entered the (dental) office at about 2 p.m.,
Şi când am ieşit afară ploua şi era aproape ora nouă...
And when I left it was raining outside and it was almost 9 p.m.
Dentistul ăsta cred că exagerează un pic,
I think this dentist is overstating things a bit,
Dentistul ăsta cred că exagerează un pic:
I think this dentist is overstating things a bit,
Nu-mi dă voie să mănânc carne,
He won't let me eat meat
Nu-mi dă voie lapte, nu-mi dă voie brânză, nu-mi dă voie unt,
He won't let me drink milk, won't let me eat cheese, won't let me eat butter
Nu-mi dă voie nimic, hei!
Won't let me eat or drink anything, hey!