Mă doare măseaua, da' mi-e frică de dentist,
My jaws hurt, but I'm afraid of the dentist,
Mă doare măseaua, da' mi-e frică de dentist,
My jaws hurt, but I'm afraid of the dentist,
De-aia nu dorm noaptea,
So I don't sleep at night,
Ziua nu mănânc, de-aia sгnt trist.
I don't eat all day, so I am sad.
Am intrat în cabinet cam prin '89,
I entered the practice... around '89,
Am intrat în cabinet ...mmm... cam prin '89,
I entered the practice ...mmm... around '89,
Atunci mă durea o măsea, acum mă dor cel puţin două...
At that time one jaw hurt me, now there are at least two...
A pus mâna pe cleşte,
He took some claws,
A pus mâna pe ciocan!
He took a hammer !
Mi-a zâmbit drăceşte
He smiled at me like the devil
De-am sărit până-n tavan...
And I jumped to the ceiling...
Pe cuvnât că nu sunt fiţe, nu...
I swear it are no whimps, no...
Şi nici toane de artist!
Neither artists' ideas !
Mă doare măseaua
My jaws hurt,
Da' mi-e frică de dentist...
But I'm afraid of the dentist,
Dentistul ăsta cred că exagerează un pic
I think this dentist is overacting a little,
Dentistul ăsta cred că exagerează un pic:
I think this dentist is overacting a little:
După ce că-mi ia toţi banii,
After taking all my money,
Nu-mi dă voie unt, nu-mi dă voie brânză, nu-mi dă voie carne, nu-mi dă voie ouă,
He doesn't allow me to eat butter, he doesn't allow me to eat cheese, he doesn't allow me to eat meat, he doesn't allow me to eat eggs,
Nu-mi dă
He doesn't allow me
Nu-mi dă voie nimic!
He doesn't allow me anything !