Translation of the song Mi-a luat inima artist Alexandru Andrieș


Mi-a luat inima

English translation

She took my heart away

Prima fată care mi-a plăcut avea ochii albaştri,

The first girl I liked had blue eyes

Avea păr galben şi stătea la şosea.

she had blond hair and was living on the boulevard

Cînd i-am dat telefon nu ştiam cum arată,

When I phoned her, I didn't knew how she looked like

Dar cum am văzut-o mi-a luat inima...

but as I saw her, she took my heart away

Mi-a luat inima,

She took my heart away

Mi-a luat inima,

She took my heart away

Mi-a luat inima şi-a dispărut cu ea !

she took my heart away and left with it...

A doua fată stătea la etaj şi era brunetă,

The second girl was living at an upper floor and was brunette

Bătea la maşină şi stenodactilografia;

Typewriting and shorthand typing;

Avea un tată-avocat şi o mamă discretă

Had a father that was a lawyer and a discreet mother

Şi-ntr-o oră jumate mi-a luat inima.

and in half an hour, she took my heart away

Mi-a luat inima,

She took my heart away

Mi-a luat inima,

She took my heart away

Mi-a luat inima şi-a dispărut cu ea !

she took my heart away and left with it...

Cam la a treia fată am început să-mi dau seama

At the third girl, I started to realize

Despre boala ciudată care mă devasta;

about the peculiar sickness that was devastating me

Am fugit la doctor şi i-am zis: Cucoană,

Ran to the doctor and said: Madam,

Cam cîte inimi crezi că poate un singur om avea ?

How many hearts can one man have?

Ea n-a zis nimic, m-a pus să-mi scot cămaşa,

She didn't say anything, convinced me to take my shirt off

Cu urechea lipită de pieptul meu stătea şi asculta...

With the ear glued to my chest, she sat and listened

Şi-uite-aşa, într-o secundă, fără să mă doară,

And suddenly, in one second, without hurting me

Fără să simt nimic, mi-a luat inima...

Without feeling anything, she took my heart away...

Mi-a luat inima,

She took my heart away

Mi-a luat inima,

She took my heart away

Mi-a luat inima şi-a dispărut cu ea !

she took my heart away and left with it...

Am luat cartea Medicina în familie,

Bought the book Family medicine,

Da' acolo nu scrie despre asta nimic;

but they don't say a thing about that

Mama zice că se-ntîmplă fiindcă-s prea mare,

Mom says that it's happening because I'm too big

Tata zice că se-ntîmplă fiindcă-s prea mic...

Dad says that it's happening because I'm too little...

Şi, ce s-o mai lungim, am văzut ieri pe stradă-o fată

So, to make a long story short, yesterday I met a girl on the street

Care susţine că n-are nimic special în ea.

that says that she doesn't have anything special

Eu sper să am puse deoparte vreo două-trei inimi rezervă

I hope to have put aside two-three spare hearts

Fiindcă şi fata de ieri mi-a luat inima !

because even the girl of yesterday took my heart away!...

Mi-a luat inima,

She took my heart away

Mi-a luat inima,

She took my heart away

Mi-a luat inima şi-a dispărut cu ea !

she took my heart away and left with it...

Mi-a luat inima,

She took my heart away

Mi-a luat inima,

She took my heart away

Mi-a luat inima şi-a dispărut cu ea !

she took my heart away and left with it...

Mi-a luat inima,

She took my heart away

Mi-a luat inima,

She took my heart away

Mi-a luat inima şi-a dispărut cu ea !

she took my heart away and left with it...

Mi-a luat inima,

She took my heart away

Mi-a luat inima,

She took my heart away

Mi-a luat inima şi-a dispărut cu ea !

she took my heart away and left with it...

Mi-a luat inima,

She took my heart away

Mi-a luat inima,

She took my heart away

Mi-a luat inima şi-a dispărut cu ea !

she took my heart away and left with it...

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