Translation of the song Nu, nu, nu artist Alexandru Andrieș


Nu, nu, nu

English translation

No, no, no

A apărut o nouă revistă,

There came a new magazine

Probabil c-o ştiţi şi voi:

You may know it

Se cheamă Trup şi suflet

It's called Body and soul

Şi e plină cu poze de oameni aproape goi.

and full of pictures of almost naked people

Din păcate nu există nici măcar un jurnal

Unfortunately, there's not even a daily newspaper

Care să poată să facă minuni,

to make wonders:

Să ni-i arate pe politicieni

Show us the politicians

Fără zîmbet şi fără minciuni; de-aia

with no smile and lies; that's why

De-aia (de-aia) nu citesc ziare, (ziare)

That's why (That's why) I don't read newspapers (newspapers)

De-aia (de-aia) nu mă uit la televizor,

That's why (That's why) I don't watch TV

De-aia (de-aia) nu citesc ziare, (ziare)

That's why (That's why) I don't read newspapers (newspapers)

De-aia (de-aia) nu mă uit la televizor !

That's why (That's why) I don't watch TV!

Multe lucruri deja s-au lămurit:

Many things are already cleared

Ştim precis că armata n-a tras,

We know precisely that the army didn't aim,

Miliţia n-a tras, paraşutiştii n-au tras,

The militia didn't aim, paratroupers didn't aim

Securitatea nici n-are glas !

The security service has no voice about it.

Noi am venit de-acasă

We came from home

Şi-am adus tot ce ne-a trebuit:

and brought all that we needed.

Am venit cu tancuri, am venit cu muniţii

We came with tanks, we came with ammo

Şi, gospodăreşte, ne-am măcelarit; de-aia

and just like home, we butchered up, that's why

De-aia (de-aia) nu citesc ziare, (ziare)

That's why (That's why) I don't read newspapers (newspapers)

De-aia (de-aia) nu mă uit la televizor,

That's why (That's why) I don't watch TV

De-aia (de-aia) nu citesc ziare, (ziare)

That's why (That's why) I don't read newspapers (newspapers)

De-aia (de-aia) nu mă uit la televizor (nici eu)

That's why (That's why) I don't watch TV! (Not even I)

M-am săturat de Petre Popescu,

I'm sick of Petre Popescu

De Marinescu m-am săturat,

I'm sick of Marinescu as well

Nu mai vreau cîntece tăiate la mijloc,

I don't want songs cut in the middle

Emisiuni cu generic schimbat.

Shows with different opening

Vreau să văd altfel de feţe,

I want to see different faces

Vreau să văd altfel de emisiuni,

I want to see different shows

M-am săturat să aflu ce se-ntîmplă în ţară

I've had enough of finding what's happening in the country

De la alte televiziuni, şi de-aia

from other TV stations, and that's why...

De-aia (de-aia) nu citesc ziare, (ziare)

That's why (That's why) I don't read newspapers (newspapers)

De-aia (de-aia) nu mă uit la televizor,

That's why (That's why) I don't watch TV

De-aia (de-aia) nu citesc ziare, (ziare)

That's why (That's why) I don't read newspapers (newspapers)

De-aia (de-aia) nu mă uit la televizor, oh-oh

That's why (That's why) I don't watch TV! (Not even I)

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