Translation of the song O fată prudentă artist Alexandru Andrieș


O fată prudentă

English translation

A cautious girl

Era o fată prudentă,

She was a cautious girl

Educată foarte strict

very strictly educated

De bunică şi bunic,

by grandma and grandpa

Răsfăţată doar un pic

spoiled just a little

De tătic...

by her daddy...

Era o fată prudentă,

She was a cautious girl

M-a-ntrebat într-o zi

she asked me one day

Ce-ar fi

what it will be like

Dacă cu toţi băieţii care mi-au plăcut

if with all the boys that I loved

Aş fi făcut

I'd have done

Ce-ar fi vrut ?

what I wanted?

Cît de uşor se supăra pe mine,

How easily she got mad at me,

La fel de uşor îi trecea...

Easily her anger passed,...

Ceva era atît de bine,

Something was so good,

Dar mai era ceva...

but there was something more:

Era o fată prudentă,

She was a cautious girl

Sub cămaşa ca de nea,

under her snow white blouse,

Ce dantele mai purta,

she wor such

Nimeni nu putea vedea, nuuuu...

nobody could see, no...

Era o fată prudentă,

She was a cautious girl

Era o fată prudentă...

She was a cautious girl

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