De-o sută de ani nu mi-ai mai scris nimic,
You haven't written to me for a hundred years
În cutia de scrisori am găsit un pitic,
I found a dwarf in my mailbox,
Mi-a zis Nene, nu te supăra
Telling me: Man, don't get angry,
Vreau şi eu să am căsuţa mea
But I want to have my own house, too
Şi-aici mi-e bine,
I feel okay in here as well
Lasă-mă şi pe mine
Just let me
Să stau cu tine.
Live with you
De-o sută de ani nu mi-ai mai dat telefon,
You haven't called me for a hundred years,
Am găsit firul rupt şi-aparatul mutat în balcon,
I found that the cord was torn and the device had been moved to the balcony
Lîngă el stătea un şoricel...
There was a mouse resting by it
M-am şi jucat cu el niţel,
I played with him for a while
Avea ochii mici
His eyes were small
Şi bot de arici,
His nose was like that of a hedgehog
E pe-undeva pe-aici.
Now he's hiding somewhere in the house
Am şapte nasturi în plus,
I've got seven extra buttons
Şi nu ştiu unde i-am pus !
And I don't know where I left them!
Unde or fi ?...
Where could they be? ...
De-o sută de ani nu te-am mai văzut
I haven't seen you for a hundred years
Şi pozele cu tine, toate au dispărut,
And the pictures of you, well they're all gone
Cred că le-a furat pisica mea...
I think it's my cat that's stolen them
Zău, e foarte geloasă pe dumneata,
Really, she's very jealous of you
Le-a rupt cu dinţii,
She tore them with her fangs
Nu-i cunosc părinţii,
I don't know who her parents are,
Dar o-njur de toţi sfinţii !
But I mention all saints when swearing at her!