Are ochi de ciocolată
She's got chocolate eyes
Şi priveşte uite-aşa:
and looking just like that
Are ochi de ciocolată
She's got chocolate eyes
Şi priveşte uite-aşa:
and looking just like that
Când iese ea pe stradă,
as she's walking on the street,
Toţi se uită după ea.
everybody's watching her
Are păr lung şi moale,
She's got a long and soft hair
of reddish-gold
Are păr lung şi moale,
She's got a long and soft hair
of reddish-gold
Şi poartă la gât
and she's wearing at the neck
Un fular vişiniu.
a cherry-red scarf
Dac-o vezi, dă-mi de ştire
If you see her, tell me
Şi-alerg cât de iute pot:
and I'm running as fast as I can:
Dac-o vezi, dă-mi de ştire
If you see her, tell me
Şi-alerg cât de iute pot:
and I'm running as fast as I can:
A plecat ieri de la mine
Yesterday, she left me
Cu inima mea cu tot!
with my heart along!