Translation of the song Păcat artist Alexandru Andrieș



English translation

A Shame

Ea făcea cartofi prăjiţi

She was making french fries

Ori arşi, ori nemaipomeniţi,

Either they were burned, or sensational,

El ar fi gustat, dar ea nu-l invita...

He would have had a taste, but she wouldn't invite him...

Deşi ochii ei spuneau:

Although her eyes said:

Zi tu primul, că eu vreau !

Say it first, that you want some!

Încăpăţînată, gura ei tăcea...

Stubbornly, her mouth remained quiet...

Pe de altă parte, ştim

On the other hand, we know

Că el chiar ţinea regim,

That he was actually on a diet,

Deşi toţi credeau de fapt că el minţea...

Even though everyone really thought he was lying...

Mintea lui era sucită,

His mind was twisted,

O clătită învelită

Like a crepe wrapped around

Peste-un fel de amărîtă de peltea..

Some type of bitter jelly...

Ea, la fel, motan pufos,

She (was), the same, (her mind)a puffy tomcat,

Nu gîndea prea curajos,

She didn't think too bravely,

În măsura-n care totuşi ea gîndea...

In the case that she actually was thinking...

Şi-ntre zile fără rost,

And in between aimless days,

Din prost către şi mai prost,

From bad (stupid) to even worse (stupider),

Ea-şi făcea curaj, iar el nu îndrăznea...

She tried to gather up her courage, but him, he didn't even dare....

El visa la trupul ei,

He dreamt of her body,

Şi dintr-o mie de femei,

And from one thousand women

Bucată cu bucată o recompunea,

Bit by bit, he could reconstruct only her (in his mind),

Ea trăgea aer în piept,

She drew air into her chest,

Strîngea din dinţi, ofta corect,

Clenched her teeth and sighed correctly,

Se-ncuia în bibliotecă şi citea.

She'd lock herself in the library and read.

El şi-o închipuia în pat

He would imagine her in bed

Ca pe un drac împieliţat,

Like a (little) devil in human form,

Cu iadu-n nări, da' dulce ca o acadea...

With fire (hell) in her nostrils, but as sweet as a lollipop...

Ea, dacă adormea uşor,

Her, if she fell asleep easily,

Visa că el e senator

She'd dream that he is a senator

Şi că-n secret pe bani frumoşi o vizita.

And that secretly, over big money, he's pay her a visit.

Iar seara, la televizor,

And (meanwhile) at night, on the TV

Un reportaj cu nunta lor

A report showcasing their wedding

Pentru a douăzecea oară se relua...

For the twentieth time, on repeat....

Şi separat, în dormitoare,

And separately, in their bedrooms,

Se tot gîndeau unul la altul neîncetat...

They keep thinking about each-other to no end....

Cînd se vedeau, din întîmplare,

If they ever saw each-other, by chance

Tăceau cu ochii-n jos, stingheri şi vinovaţi,

They were quiet, their eyes looking down- lonely and guilty,

Şi niciodată, de nici o culoare,

And never, in no way,

Nici n-au vorbit, nici nu şi-au scris,

Did they ever speak, they didn't even write,

Doar s-au visat...

They just dreamt of each-other....

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