Translation of the song Pofta vine mâncând artist Alexandru Andrieș


Pofta vine mâncând

English translation

Lust comes eating

Azi a fost un fel de zi

Today was a sort of day,

Niţel cam aşa:

a little this way:

Un fel de soare puţin obosit

A sort of sun a little tired

Cu raze-n pijama,

with rays in pajamas,

Cu miliţieni timizi

with timid militians

Şi cu mulţi bani lichizi

and many cash

De cheltuit cumva...

to spend somehow...

M-a oprit o cucoană,

A lady stopped me


asked me:

Caut o fetişcană

I'm looking for a girl

Şi mi se pare ciudat:

and it seems strange:

Semeni cam mult cu ea,

You look a lot like her;

Spune-mi, pe dumneata

Tell me, for you

Nu te-ar şoca ?

Won't that be shocking ?

Dacă vreau dulceaţă

If I want sweetness,

Se face dimineaţă

morning is coming

Şi eu tot aş mînca !

and I still would eat.

Se-ascunde fiecare

Everybody's hiding

Cu ce-are mai bun de mîncare...

with anything good for eating...

Am dat un telefon, suna ocupat;

I made a phone call, the line was engaged;

Am lăsat pe mai tîrziu

I let it for later

Şi m-am mai plimbat,

and took a little walk,

Strada se-aglomera,

the street was full

Lumea se-nghesuia

everyone was clinging

La cinema,

at the cinema,

La ce altceva ?

what else?

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