Ea era mai frumoasă ca el
She was more beautiful than him,
Dar mai scundă niţel
but a little shorter
El era mai înalt decît ea,
He was taller than her,
Mai deştept decît ea,
much smarter than her
Da' nu prea...
but not quite...
Cînd deschidea seara uşa
In the evening, when he opened the door,
Nu putea şti niciodată, deşi
he could never know, although
Ar fi trebuit să se-obişnuiască
he had to get used to
De-atîta timp....
for a while...
Aceeaşi surpriză !
The same surprise!...
Cineva i-a şi zis E un vis,
Someone said It's a dream,
N-o sa iasă, precis,
It can never work out, really,
Cum vrei tu...
the way you want...
Chiar şi-acum, cînd mai crezi ce mai crezi,
Even now when you believe in what you believe
N-am să-ţi aduc dovezi
I won't bring you proofs
Cum vrei tu !
as you want!
El n-a răspuns la-ntrebare
He didn't answer the question,
Însă pe-acasă venea aşa rar
but used to rarely come home
Că era imposibil,
so it was impossible
Iar ea mai lipsea
and she was missing
Şi mereu promitea
and promissing
O nouă surpriză...
a new surprise...
Aşa că într-o zi ea i-a zis
So, one day, she told him:
Nu minţi, ştiu precis
Don't lie, I know exactly
Ce-o să-mi spui !
what you're gonna say!
El a stat, apoi s-a ridicat,
He stood, then got up,
A zis doar că-i păcat
sait only that it's a pity
Şi-a plecat...
and left...
Ea l-a privit amuzată,
She looked amused at him,
El tot mai rar în oglindă privea
he rarely looked in the mirror
Şi cînd se uita
and when he looked
Nu-şi putea explica
could not explain
Cum s-a putut întîmpla...
how could that happen...
Era o surpriză !
It was a surprise!