Aş vrea să pot închiria
I would like to borrow
O cotă din privirea ta
a little part of your gaze
Sau, dacă crezi că s-ar putea, chiar ochii,
Or, if you think it's possible, even your eyes,
M-aş învoi la preţul tău
I would accept your price
Şi, fără să îmi pară rău,
And, without regrets,
Ţi-aş da tot ce mi-ai cere, zău, da' ochii...
I'd give you everything you might ask me, oh, but your eyes...
I-aş vrea neapărat,
I would like it at all costs,
Zău ca i-aş vrea !
Of course that I would like them !
De cîte ori vorbim, să ştii,
Even if we talk a lot, know that
De multe ori nici n-aş vorbi
Many times I wouldn't talk
Şi doar aş sta şi te-aş privi pe tine...
And only stay by your side and watch you...
Îmi spui că-ţi place fiindcă ai,
You tell me that you like it because you find rest,
Atunci cînd lîngă mine stai,
When you are with me,
Şi linişte, şi totu-i mai bine,
And eveything is a lot better,
M-ai vrea ?
Would you like to have me?
M-ai vrea ?
Would you like to have me?
M-ai vrea ? Hai, spune-mi:
Would you like to have me? Come on, tell me:
Dragă, m-ai vrea ?
Darling, would you like to have me?
Ai prieteni de-ani de zile care te-ar tot curta,
You have friends of a long time that might still seduce you,
Şi eu în patru săptămîni te pierd deja...
And I already loose you in four weeks...
Să-mi spui atunci cînd vei pleca
Tell me when you will leave
Să-ţi dau să ai adresa mea,
So that I can give you my address,
Deşi n-ai scris în viaţa ta scrisori...
Even if you haven't written any letters in your life...
Degeaba mă tot păcălesc,
In vain I'm still lying to myself,
Nu-s nici bolnav, nici nu greşesc,
I'm not ill, and I'm not making a mistake,
Şi-ţi spun pînă nu-nnebunesc de dor
And I tell you before I'm going crazy of desire
Că te vreau,
That I want you,
Te vreau tare de tot
I want you above all
Dragă, te vreau...
Darling, I want you...