Translation of the song Parti artist Teoman
The Party
Sıkı sıkı tuttum ellerinden kayıp gitme hayatımdan sen de diye bazen
I held onto your hands tightly so you wouldn't slip away from my life sometimes
Ama ittim çoğu kez ürküp aşkından güçsüz yaptın diye beni sen
But mostly I pushed you away, scared of the strength of your love because you made me weak
Oysa derinlerde hep bildim ki kanımdaydın
Yet, deep inside, I've always known you were in my blood
Öyle gurur duydum ki beni böyle büyük sevebildin diye bana rağmen
I was so proud that you could love me so much in spite of me
Gelmiştim, görmüştüm, yenilmiştim, sevmemiştim, tam gidiyordum dünyadan sen yokken
I'd come, I'd seen, I'd been defeated, I hadn't loved, I had been about to leave this world before you came along
Öyle güzel aldın ki beni, içine öyle sardın ki benim oldun ama korktum
You took me in so gracefully, wrapped me inside you, you were mine yet I was scared
Kaybedecek bir şeyim oldu diye korktum
I was scared of having someting to lose
Koştum bildiğim dünyaya
I ran away to the world I knew
Parti bitmiş, herkes gitmiş, dava düşmüş, konu kapanmış
The party is over, everyone is gone, the case is dismissed, the discussion has ended.
Acıkmıştım, susamıştım, üşümüştüm
I was hungry, thirsty, cold,
Kavrulmuştum sıcaktan, sana geldim
Scorched in the heat. I came to you
Damağım kuru, sesim kısık, gardım inik, boynum bükük
My mouth was dry, my voice was hoarse, my guard was down, my head was bowed low
Dedim yine al beni
I said, have me again.
Çünkü derinlerde hep bildim ki kanımdaydın
Because, deep inside, I've always known you were in my blood
Ama korktum kaybedecek bir şeyim oldu diye korktum
But I was scared, I was scared of having something to lose
Koştum bildiğim dünyaya
I ran away to the world I knew
Parti bitmiş, herkes gitmiş, dava düşmüş, konu kapanmış
The party is over, everyone is gone, the case is dismissed, the discussion has ended.
Seni bitirdim dedin çektim kepenkleri
I've ended you, you said, I've taken down the shutters.
Dedin öldü bendeki sen gömülü şimdi
You said, The you in me is dead, he is buried now.
Baktım, baktım anladım
I looked, I looked, I understood
Parti bitmiş, herkes gitmiş, dava düşmüş, konu kapanmış
The party is over, everyone is gone, the case is dismissed, the discussion has ended.