Translation of the song Light artist TAEMIN

English, Korean


English translation


눈을 떠

I open my eyes

마치 감은 듯

as if I've closed them

끊임없는 밤처럼

Like an endless night

꿈이 없는 잠처럼

Like sleeping without dreaming

끝이 없던

In the endless

어둠 속에


내게 길이 펼쳐져

The road is spreading in front of me

네 눈이 날 비출 땐

When your eyes shine on me

Diamonds and pearls in me

Diamonds and pearls in me

그 빛에 반사돼

They're reflected in the light

환하게 날 밝히고

It lights me up brighty

하얗게 날 물들이고

It turns me into white

Oh 넌 나의 낮이 돼

Oh you become my daytime

내 안의 빛이 돼

You're the light in me

찬란히 비춰 날 눈부시게

Shine brightly on me, it's dazzling

너로 채워줘 날

Fill me up with you

You're the light

You're the light

빛을 찾은 얘기들을 펼쳐놔

Tell me all the stories about finding the light

눈물들마저 반짝거리게 해

Even the tears sparkle

확실히 보여

I can surely see them

You are the light the light

You are the light the light

내 감정의 색들이 빛들이

The colors of my emotions,

자꾸만 겹쳐져

Keep overlapping over and over again,

그럴수록 투명해져

the more transparent they get

내 색을 되찾게 해

I regain my color

숨길 수 없게만 돼

I can't hide it

자꾸 감추려 해도

Even if I keep trying

네가 나를 비출 땐

When you shine on me

Diamonds and pearls in me

Diamonds and pearls in me

그 빛에 반사돼

They're reflected in the light

환하게 날 태우고

It lights me up brighty

또 하얗게 날 잠식하고

It turns me into white again

Oh 넌 하얀 밤이 돼

Oh you become my white night

날 삼킨 빛이 돼

You're the light that swallows me

찬란히 비춰 날 눈이 멀게

Shine brightly on me, it's blinding

너로 채워줘 날

Fill me up with you

You're the light

You're the light

빛을 찾은 얘기들을 펼쳐놔

Tell me all the stories about finding the light

눈물들마저 반짝거리게 해

Even the tears sparkle

확실히 보여

I can surely see them

You are the light the light

You are the light the light

어디를 봐도 난 네가 보여

Everywhere I look, I see you

넌 잔상처럼 내 눈 안에 남아

You remain in my eyes like an afterimage

널 보다 또 보다

Even if I see you again

다시 눈이 먼다 해도

and become blind again

다 괜찮아 난 Yeah

Everything's fine for me

내게 보여줬으니

You've shown me

눈 감아도

Even with my eyes closed

모든 게 보여

I can see everything

지금 이 순간

At this moment

영원히 내 안에 빛나

Shine in me forever

너로 채워줘 날

Fill me up with you

You're the light

You're the light

빛을 찾은 얘기들을 펼쳐놔

Tell me all the stories about finding the light

어둠마저도 반짝거리게 해

Even the darkness sparkles

확실히 보여

I can surely see them

You are the light the light

You are the light the light

넌 내 낮이야

You're my daytime

넌 내 빛이야

You're my light

내 빛이야

My light

눈물들마저 반짝거리게 해

Even the tears sparkle

확실히 보여

I can surely see them

You are the light the light

You are the light the light

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