Translation of the song Şarkılar Güzelse Hala artist Yaşar
Şarkılar Güzelse Hala
If the Songs Are Still Beautiful
Kıyamet kopsa unutamazsın
Come hell or high water, you can't forget
Unutamazsın artık
You can't forget anymore
Bir kere sevmişsin ne denir sana
You've loved once, what can be said anymore?
Ne denir sana artık
What can be said anymore to you?
Hangi pencereye baksan
Whichever window you look
O'nu görürsün o'nu görürsün artık
You see him, you see him now
Hangi limana demir atsa gemiler
Whichever harbor ships anchored
O'na uğramadan edemez
Can't make it without visit him
Şarkılar güzelse hala
If the songs are still beautiful
Hala sarıysa mimozalar
If the mimosas still yellow
O'nu unutamadığın içindir
It's just because you can't forget him
Unutamazsın diyorum sana
I am saying, you can't forget
Unutamazsın artık
You can't forget anymore..
Boşuna bu beklemeler
These waitings are in vain
Boşuna bunca kahır
All these misery, in vain
Bu kıyı meyhanelerinde
At this coast inmills
Çürümek her akşam
Rotting every night
Bu her kadehte erimek
This is melting in every glass
Ağır ağır ooooofff
Slowly slowly ohhhh
Şarkılar güzelse hala
If the songs are still beautiful
Hala sarıysa mimozalar
If the mimosas still yellow
O'nu unutamadığın içindir
It is just beacuse you can't forget him..