Translation of the song どうかそのまま artist Higuchi Ai



English translation

Please, stay just the way you are

どうかそのままで どうかそのままで

Please, stay just the way you are; Please, just stay the way you are

きみを苦しめた わたしのことなど

I hurt you so much--


Just forget all about me


And don't ever think of me again

改札前 きみが肩を濡らしてた

In front of the turnstile, you'd gotten my shoulder all wet

一本の大きな傘 持って

You had been holding a great big umbrella in one hand


Sorry, I think I'm bad at holding an umbrella, you said


It was back when we'd just started being together

暖かな 部屋にかえってくれば

When you'd come to my warm apartment,

正しく並んだ 洗濯物

I'd see that my laundry was neatly hung out to dry.


You'd told me that morning, Don't worry about it, I'll do it for you when I get off of work


It felt nice to hear you say that


I didn't ever even express my thanks to you,


I always held it in


I always felt like I was holding the nice things you did against you,


And in the end I left you

どうかそのままで どうかそのままで

Please, stay just the way you are; please, stay just the way you are

きみを悪者に すリかえたことを

I treated you as if you were a bad guy,

今 後悔している

And now I regret it


But if I hadn't I wouldn't have been able to live

描いた未来 通リ過ぎても

Even if the future we dreamed together passed us by

二人は まじめに 向かい合った

We gave it our best shot together.

それが一番 大切なことなど

That's the most important thing of all,


That's all anyone can do


I'm always trying to do things that I can't


You'd always say that it's fine for me to be that way


You were such a good person, you never even had a chance with me


Whenever I was next to you,


I started to hate myself

どうかそのままで どうかそのままで

Please, stay just the way you are; please, stay just the way you are

きみはきみのまま 正しいままでいて

Please just do things your way, it's the right way for you to be

どうかそのままで どうかそのままで

Please, stay just the way you are; please, stay just the way you are

きみはきみのまま 優しいままでいてね

Please, won't you keep on being the kind person that you are?


Don't keep trying to keep us both dry under the same big umbrella--


Forget all about it,


And don't ever think of it again

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