Translation of the song 恋人よ artist Higuchi Ai
恋人よ 二度と言わない
Sweetheart, you don't have to say it ever again
だからお願い ゲームをやめて
That's why I want you to please stop with the games
You only have to say goodbye once
とけない魔法 かけてしまうの
You casted an unbreakable spell
You woke up from the road you slept on
始発を待つ駅のホーム 見た朝焼け
Waiting for the first departure at the station and saw the sunrise
No one can love you but me
望んでいた ただそれだけ
That's all I ever wanted
恋人よ 帰らなくても
Sweetheart, you don't have to return home
うわさきいても 一緒にいたわ
I heard rumors that we were together
I've been told many times Well, aren't they kind?
あなた許した それが間違い
You forgave me, that was a mistake
捨てないで 惨めなわたし可哀想
Don't throw away poor, miserable me
嫌わないで こんなに尽くしてきたでしょう
Don't hate me, I've done so much for you, right?
I'm the only one who can protect myself
誰のために 愛していた?
For who's sake did I love for?
恋人よ 悪いのは誰?あなたとあの子?そうじゃないのよ
Sweetheart, who's the bad one here? You and that girl? That's not it at all
悲しいね 今さらわたしを好きになっても
Isn't it sad?
It's way too late to fall in love with me now
恋人よ 二度と言わない
Sweetheart, you don't have to say it ever again
だからお願い ちゃんと聞いて
That's why I want you to please listen
愛してた 間違いじゃない
Falling in love wasn't a mistake
That's why I won't ever say it