Translation of the song Ce e cu tine? artist Dan Spătaru
Ce e cu tine?
What Is Wrong with You?
Laa la la la la la la (x4)
Laa la la la la la la (x4)
Ce e cu tine?
What is wrong with you?
Ce s-a-ntâmplat?
What happened?
Nu eşti aceeaşi
You are not the same
De altădat'.
Like used to be.
Că te-ai schimbat nu pot să cred,
That you have changed I can't believe,
De-aceea vin să te întreb:
That is why I come to ask you:
Ce e cu tine?
What is wrong with you?
Ce s-a-ntâmplat?
What happened?
And which circumstance
Mi te-a schimbat?
Has made you change?
Aş vrea să ştiu tot adevărul,
I want to know the entire truth,
Chiar dacă-i crud,
Even if it's cruel,
Vreau să aud
I want to hear
Ce s-a-ntâmplat?
What happened?
Tu, numai tu ştii mai bine,
You, only you can know better,
Tu, numai tu, ce-i cu tine,
You, only you, what's wrong with you,
Tu, numai tu îmi vei spune
You, only you will tell me
Cum va urma viaţa mea.
How my life will go on.
Ce e cu tine?
What is wrong with you?
Ce s-a-ntâmplat?
What happened?
And which circumstance
Mi te-a schimbat?
Has made you change?
Aş vrea să ştiu tot adevărul,
I want to know the entire truth,
Chiar dacă-i crud,
Even if it's cruel,
Vreau să aud
I want to hear
Ce s-a-ntâmplat?
What happened?
Ce e cu tine?
What is wrong with you?
Ce e cu tine?
What is wrong with you?
Ce e cu tine?
What is wrong with you?