Translation of the song Drumurile noastre artist Dan Spătaru


Drumurile noastre

English translation

Our roads

Tot ce-a fost în viaţa mea odatǎ

I shall forget

Voi lǎsa uitǎrii,

Whatever happened in my life before

Ani şi luni şi nopţi la rând, povarǎ,

Years and months and nights in turn, pains,

Clipa despǎrţirii.

The moment of separation.

N-am sǎ-ţi cer ce nu-mi poţi da vreodatǎ,

I'll not ask from you what you can never give me,

N-am sǎ-ţi cer iubirea.

I'll not ask your love.

N-am sǎ bat la porţi închise iarǎ,

I'll not knock the closed doors anymore,

Nu-ţi feri privirea !

Don't turn your eyes away from me !



Drumurile noastre poate

Maybe our roads

Se vor întâlni vreodatǎ,

Will meet someday,

Drumurile şi iubirea,

The roads and the love,

Gândurile, fericirea. (bis)

The thoughts and the happiness. (rpt)

Voi pǎstra mereu în amintire

Always I'll keep in my memory

Dragostea curatǎ,

The pure love,

Voi spera mereu într-o iubire

Always I'll hope a new love to be

Cum n-a fost vreodatǎ.

How it was not before.

Gândul cǎ mǎ vei respinge iarǎ,

The thought that you will refuse me again

Gândul mǎ-nfioarǎ,

The thought shivers me of fear,

Lasǎ-mi doar prietenia care

Just leave the friendship to me,

Glasul meu o cheamǎ.

Which my voice is calling for.



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