Translation of the song Mi-a spus inima aseară artist Dan Spătaru


Mi-a spus inima aseară

English translation

Last night, my heart told me

Mi-a spus inima aseara un secret,

Last night, my heart told me a secret

Mi la spus ca ea ma stie om discret,

She told it to me because she knows that I'm a discreet man,

Sa nu-mi supar inima, n-am sa-l spun la nimenea,

Do not mind my heart, I will not tell anyone,

Dar eu cred ca tot se va afla.

But I guess that is gonna be known.

Mi-a spus inima aseara ca ar vrea,

Last night, my heart told me that she would want you

Sa-i dai prima intalnire sub o stea,

to have a first date with her under a star

Sub lumina stelelor parca este mai usor,

under the starlight it's easier

Sa se intalneasca dor cu dor.

to make love meet love.

Mi-a spus un secret aseara inima,

Last night, my heart told me a secret

C-are doua vorbe pentru dumneata,

that she has two words for you

De cand lumea pe pamant, astea doua vorbe sunt,

Since the world began, these two words are

Totdeauna primul juramant

forever the first oath

Mi-a spus inima aseara acest secret,

Last night, my heart told me this secret

Mi la spus ca ma stia un om discret,

She told it to me because she knows that I'm a discreet man,

Sa ma ierte inima, daca nu l-am mai pastrat,

May my heart forgive me if I didn't kept it

Si o lume intreaga l-a aflat.

and a whole world learnt it...

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