Translation of the song Cessate, omai cessate (RV 684) artist Antonio Vivaldi


Cessate, omai cessate (RV 684)

English translation

Cease, now cease

Ah, ch'infelice sempre

Oh, how for ever unhappy

Me vuol Dorilla ingrata,

Ungrateful Dorilla wishes me

Ah sempre piú spietata,

Oh, ever more merciless

Mi stringe à lagrimar.

She brings me to tears

Spietata, mi stringe à lagrimar

Merciless, she brings me to tears

Per me non v'è ristoro

For me, there is no relief

Per me non v'è speme.

For me, there is no hope

E il fier martoro e le mie pene

And the cruel torment and my sorrow

Solo la morte può consolar.

Only death can console

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