Translation of the song RV 626 In furore iustissimae irae artist Antonio Vivaldi
RV 626 In furore iustissimae irae
In the fury of most righteous wrath
N. 1 - Aria
No. 1 - Aria
In furore iustissimae irae
In the fury of most righteous wrath
Tu divinitus facis potentem.
You, of divine nature, show great strength;
Quando potes me reum punire
When able to punish me, the guilty one
Ipsum crimen te gerit clementem.
You are lenient towards the crime (I committed).
N. 2 - Recitativo
No. 2 - Recitativo
Miserationum Pater piissime
Most pious Father of compassion
Parce mihi dolenti peccatori languenti
Spare me, weary suffering sinner
O Jesu dulcissime.
Oh, sweetest Jesus.
N. 3 - Aria
No. 3 - Aria
Tunc meus fletus evadet laetus
Then my weeping will become happy
Dum pro te meum languescit cor
While for you my heart weakens.
Fac me plorare
Let me cry
Mi Iesu care
Dear Jesus
Et fletus laetus fovebit cor.
And my happy tears will keep warm my heart.
N. 4 - Alleluia
No. 4 Hallelujah