Translation of the song RV 630, 2. Blande colore. 3. Spirat anguis inter flores. artist Antonio Vivaldi
RV 630, 2. Blande colore. 3. Spirat anguis inter flores.
RV 630, 2. By tempting look. 3. The serpent hisses.
2. Recitativo.
2. Recitative.
Blando colore oculos mundus decepit
By tempting look this world deceives the eye,
at occulto vulnere corda conficit;
but pierces hearts by hidden wounds.
fugiamus ridentem, vitemus sequentem,
Let us flee him who smiles, shun him who follows us,
nam delicias ostentando arte secura
for by skilfully displaying its pleasures, this world
vellet ludendo superare.
overwhelms us by deceit.
3. Aria.
3. Air.
Spirat anguis
The serpent hisses
inter flores et colores
among blossoms and colours,
explicando tegit fel.
uncoils itself and conceals the gall,
Sed occulto factus ore
But after a furtive kiss,
homo demens in amore
a man maddened by love
saepe lambit quasi mel.
often licks it like honey.