Translation of the song RV 638 Filiae Mestae Jerusalem artist Antonio Vivaldi
RV 638 Filiae Mestae Jerusalem
Mournful daughters of Jerusalem
I. 'Filiae maestae Jerusalem' (Adagio)
I. Mournful daughters of Jerusalem (Adagio)
Filiae maestae Jerusalem,
Mournful daughters of Jerusalem,
en Rex universorum,
behold the King of all,
Rex vester vulneratus
your King wounded
et spinis coronatus;
and crowned with thorns;
ut maculas detergat peccatorum
to clear the stains of sin
factus est Rex dolorum.
he was made the King of sorrows.
Ecce moritur vita
Behold he loses his life
in durissima cruce;
On the harsh cross;
ecce videte et non eam
behold, see, and grieve not
sed nos potius lugete;
for the cross, but rather for us;
at nequis reprobare vestros fletus
let no one blame your tears,
immo lugeant vobiscum
no, let all irrational beings
omnia insensata, plorent
grieve with you
plorent cuncta creata.
and all creation mourn.
II. Sileant zephyri (Largo)
II.Let the winds be hushed (Largo)
Sileant zephyri
Let the winds be hushed,
rigeant prata,
let the fields freeze,
unda amata,
the flowers and leaves will not
frondes, flores non satientur.
be drenched with the water they love.
Mortuo flumine,
With the river dead
proprio lumine
even the moon and the sun
luna et sol etiam priventur.
will be deprived of their own light.
III. 'Sed tenebris diffusis' (Adagio)
III. But with shadows spread (Adagio)
Sed tenebris diffusis
But with shadows spread
obscuratus est sol,
the sun is darkened,
scinditur quoque velum,
and the veil is torn,
ipsa saxa franguntur
the very rocks are broken,
et cor nostrum non frangit vis doloris?
and does not the force of grief break our hearts?
At dum satis non possumus dolere
But while we cannot grieve enough,
tu nostri bone Jesu, miserere.
you, good Jesus, have mercy on us.
IV. Sileant zephyri (Largo)
IV. Let the winds be hushed (Largo)
Sileant zephyri
Let the winds be hushed,
rigeant prata,
let the fields freeze,
unda amata,
the flowers and leaves will not
frondes, flores non satientur.
be drenched with the water they love.
Mortuo flumine,
With the river dead
proprio lumine
even the moon and the sun
luna et sol etiam priventur.
will be deprived of their own light.