Translation of the song RV 644 Juditha triumphans 11. Recitativo e Aria: Quem vides prope. artist Antonio Vivaldi
RV 644 Juditha triumphans 11. Recitativo e Aria: Quem vides prope.
RV 644 11 Recitative and Air: The man you see close at hand.
Quem vides prope,
The man you see close at hand,
Aspectu terribili, et suavi,
who seems terrible yet charming,
Quem quaeris, ipse hic est:
he is the one you seek;
Amore, et fide,
in love and faith
In ipso pulcra Sion
put your trust in him, fair Zion,
Spera, et confide.
and have confidence.
Quamvis ferro et ense gravis,
Though his sword is heavy iron,
Dulcis tamen et suavis
yet he will be for you
Pro te Dux erit, o bella.
a sweet and gentle leader, fair lady.
Tibi tua tu sors et fatum,
Yours are your fate and destiny
Nec per te fremit iratum,
He will not tremble with rage to see you:
Tua pupilla fit tua stella.
may your eye be your guiding star.