Translation of the song RV 644 Juditha triumphans 12. Recitatvo: Quid cerno! Oculi mei. artist Antonio Vivaldi


RV 644 Juditha triumphans 12. Recitatvo: Quid cerno! Oculi mei.

English translation

RV 644 12. Recitative: What do I see?



Quid cerno! Oculi mei

What do I see? My dazzled eyes,

Stupidi quid videtis!

what did you see?

Solis, an caeli splendor!

The sun, the splendor of heaven!

Ah summae prolis

Ah, best of beings,

Vincunt lumina sua lumina solis.

whose eyes shame the sun's light!

Sistite, viatrici

Stay put, travellers!

Preparate Trophea, spargite flores,

Prepare tributes, spread flowers

Et obvient Dive suae teneri Amores.

and may tender cupids come meet their goddess.



Summe Rex, strenue miles,

Greatest king, valiant warrior,

Nabuc Regis cor, cuius in manu

heart of king Nebuch, in whose hands

Stat suprema potestas, nutui cuius

rests supreme power,

Fortuna, et sors obedit,

whose fortune and fate obey

Et cuncta iura sua gloria concedit.

and whose glory ensures all justice.



O quam pulcrior in pulcro

Oh, how much prietter sounds virtue

Virtus est ore sonans! Quidnam petis,

when spoken by a pretty mouth! What would you

Suavissima supplex?

have of me, most charming of suppliants?



Non mihi, Patriae meae

Not for myself, for my homeland

Spem salutis exoro,

I beg for hope of salvation,

Et sic Bethuliae a te pacem imploro.

and thus I implore you to give peace to Bethulia.

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