Translation of the song RV 644 Juditha triumphans 16 Recitativo: Tu Judex Es, Tu Dominus, Tu Potens. artist Antonio Vivaldi


RV 644 Juditha triumphans 16 Recitativo: Tu Judex Es, Tu Dominus, Tu Potens.

English translation

RV 644, 16 Recitative: You are judge, commander, and powerful.



Tu Judex es, tu Dominus, tu potens

You are judge, commander, and powerful

In exercitu tanto,

of such a mighty army,

Et tuae dextrae victrici

and your victorious right arm

Semper aspectu sint astra felici

always bless the stars.



Felix per te,

You made me happy

Magisque felix ero,

and I shall be even happier,

Si dum sepulta manet

if, while buried under the sea

Lux Apollinis unda,

remains Apollo's light,

Me te dignum

you will honour me

In convivio tu reddas,

in a banquet,

Ut melius pacis nostrae amatae, et carae,

so that better our loved and dear peace

Solemnia tecum possim celebrare.

may I solemnly with you celebrate.



Inter convivia, et dapes

During feasts and banquets

Torpescent labia mea

my lips become numb

In jeiunio assueta:

as I am used to fasting:

Tristis, nec unquam laeta


In eduliis astricta

never pleased by food,

Nescia est delitiae tantae anima afflicta.

my afflicted soul knows not such pleasures.

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