Translation of the song RV 644 Juditha triumphans 2. Recitativo: Felix et fausta dies. artist Antonio Vivaldi


RV 644 Juditha triumphans 2. Recitativo: Felix et fausta dies.

English translation

RV 644 2. Splendid and joyous day.

Felix et fausta dies

Splendid and joyous day,

O Magnanimi Eroes et fortunati:

you noble and fortunate heroes!

Prospera vobis sors, sydera, caelum:

The fate, the stars, the heaven are on your side:

Et post saecula tandem

After so many centuries

Venit optata lux, lux suspirata,

the long-awaited light come, the long-desired light,

Qua magni in vestro Duce,

by which you will be great through your leader

Qua Dux Magnus in vobis:

and your leader great through you.

Cunctis aequa

Equally yet today

Erit tandem Victoria,

shall you share the victory

Et vestro invicto Regi

and for your undefeated king,

Honor, et gloria.

honor and glory.

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