Translation of the song RV 644 Juditha triumphans 20 Recitativo: Tu quoque hebraica ancilla. artist Antonio Vivaldi
RV 644 Juditha triumphans 20 Recitativo: Tu quoque hebraica ancilla.
RV 644, 20 Recitative: You too, Jewish maid.
Tu quoque hebraica ancilla
You too, Jewish maid,
In nostro gaudio tanto
in our so great joy,
Eris in corde tuo laeta, et tranquilla.
will be in your heart happy and quiet.
Quam audacter discurrit
How bravely speaks
Non minus servus suo Domino nequam.
the servant, never to be outdone by his Lord.
Properemus Juditha: ubique semper
Let's hurry, Judith: everywhere and always,
Tecum sperans in Caelis
as you, confident in the heavens,
Ero Dominae meae socia fidelis.
shall I be a faithful companion to my mistress.