Translation of the song RV 644 Juditha triumphans 21 Aria: Veni, veni, me sequere fida. artist Antonio Vivaldi


RV 644 Juditha triumphans 21 Aria: Veni, veni, me sequere fida.

English translation

RV 644 21 Air: Come, come, follow me, my faithful.

Veni, veni, me sequere fida

Come, come, follow me confidently,

Abra amata,

beloved Abra,

Sponso orbata.

deprived of your husband.

Turtur gemo ac spiro in te.

Like a dove I moan and sigh in you.

Dirae sortis tu socia confida

You, trusted companion of horrendous fate,


when the hideous destiny

Sorte ingrata,

will be broken,

Sociam laetae habebis me.

you shall have me as a joyful companion.

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