Translation of the song RV 644 Juditha triumphans 24 Coro Mundi Rector de Caelo micanti. artist Antonio Vivaldi


RV 644 Juditha triumphans 24 Coro Mundi Rector de Caelo micanti.

English translation

RV 644 24 Chorus: Ruler of the world and of the sparkling heaven.

Mundi Rector de Caelo micanti


Audi preces, et suscipe vota

Ruler of the world and of the sparkling heaven,

Quae de corde prò te dimicanti

hear the prayers and accept the offerings

Sunt pietatis in sinu devota.

that to you are offered with devotion

In Juditha tuae legi dicata

In Judith, consecrated to your law,

Flammas dulcis tui amoris accende

light the fire of your sweet love,

Feritatis sic hostis domata

so that, once the savage enemy is tamed,

In Bethuliae spem pacis intende.

and the hope of peace granted to Bethulia.

Redi, redi iam Victrix pugnando

Return, return victorious in battle,

In cilicio in prece revive

Draw strength from penitence and prayer.

De Holoferne sic hodie triumphando

Thus defeating Holofernes today,

Pia Juditha per saecula vive.

may faithful Judith live forever.

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