Translation of the song RV 644 Juditha triumphans 6 Recitativo: Huc accedat Matrona. artist Antonio Vivaldi
RV 644 Juditha triumphans 6 Recitativo: Huc accedat Matrona.
RV 644 6 Recitative Enter here the lady.
Huc accedat Matrona,
Enter here the lady,
Et sit armorum Marti ebrea Bellona.
and may she be the hebrew Bellona to the armies of Mars.
In Bethulia vilescunt
In Bethulia become weak
Hostes miseri Egeni: undique luctus
the armies of that miserable people; everywhere is mourning
Saevus undique clamor.
and everywhere wild raging.
Hic anhelat,
There one gasps for breath,
Hic gemit, ille plorat,
another groans, another weeps,
Dolent omnes;
everyone suffers.
Nil nisi timor, nil nisi maerentium
Nothing but fear, nothing but sorrow,
Ignavia, desperatio, afflictio, inopia,
despondency, despair, pain, misery,
Et lacrimarum copia.
and many tears are shed.
Veni Foemina illustris,
Come, illustrious woman,
Pulcra Bellatrix huc,
beautiful warrior, come near;
Lumine, et pede
with eyes and gait
Videntes feri,
you bring close who observe,
Et generosa accede
approach, noble one.