Translation of the song RV 644 Juditha triumphans II, 12 Aria: Vivat in pace. artist Antonio Vivaldi


RV 644 Juditha triumphans II, 12 Aria: Vivat in pace.

English translation

RV 644 II, 12 Air: Live in peace.



Vivat in pace.

Live in peace.

Et pax regnet sincera,

And peace prevails genuine

Et in Bethulia fax surgat amoris.

and rise in Betulia the love’s face.

In pace semper stat laetitia vera,

it is always true joy in peace,

Nec amplius bella sint causa doloris.

Should not be a war with the cause of pain.

In pace anima mea tu cuncta spera,

My soul, hope only in peace,

Si pax solatium est nostri moeroris.

If peace is to relieve our suffering.

In pace bone Deus cuncta tu facis,

Everything you do in peace, good God;

Et cara tibi sunt munera pacis.

The functions that are dear to peace.

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