Translation of the song RV 644 Juditha triumphans II, 13 Recitativo. in Pace inter hostes artist Antonio Vivaldi


RV 644 Juditha triumphans II, 13 Recitativo. in Pace inter hostes

English translation

So in peace, among enemies



Sic in Pace inter hostes

So in peace, among enemies,

Sit mea Patria inofensa.

May my homeland live inviolate.

Sed quid video! Holofernes

What do I see! Holofernes

Accensus mero suo dormit in mensa!

Drunk with his wine he sleeps at the table!

Consurgam. Vestro Duci

May I rise. To your Duce,

Huc accurrite, o servi: huc Abra veni,

O servants, hurry up here; come here, Abra,

Hic in tentorio stantes,

Standing here in the tent,

Dum dormit inimicus

While the enemy sleeps,

Precemur vere Deum nos vigilantes.

Let us keep vigil and offer fitting prayers to God.

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