Translation of the song RV 644 Juditha triumphans, II, 2. Aria: O Sydera, o stellae. artist Antonio Vivaldi
RV 644 Juditha triumphans, II, 2. Aria: O Sydera, o stellae.
RV 644, II, 2. Aria: Ye stars, constellations.
O Sydera, o stellae,
Ye stars, constellations,
Cum luna cadenti
at the waning of the moon
Estote facellae
be funeral torches
In hostem ferales.
to our enemy.
Cum nocte felici
In this blessed night
Ruant impii inimici,
let the godless enemy be destroyed,
Et sole surgenti
and may they be dead
Sint luces mortales.
when the sun rise.