Translation of the song استشبهت فيكي artist Wael Kfoury


استشبهت فيكي

English translation

I Saw Someone Who Looked Just Like You

واستشبهت فيكي

and I saw someone who looked just like you

قربت بدي احكيكي

I moved closer, wanting to talk to you

نفس شعرك هوه زاتو

the exact same hair

كنت باسمك راح اندهله

I was going to call it by your name

نفس عطرك ونسماتو

the same perfume and the same breeze

لكن مش مثلك لابقله

but it doesn't fit like it does on you

ياترى العطر البحبو

I'm wondering if you still

بعدك بتحطي

wear the perfume that I love

او لاني كنت حبو

or, because I loved it,

بطلتي تحبي

you've stopped wearing it

شعرك العشقتو طويل

your long hair that I was in love with

كان يقتلني لما يميل

it used to kill me when it sways

ياترى بعدو على حالو

I'm wondering, is it still the same

يا اما قصيتي

or have you cut it

بعدك بتحبي الاغاني

do you still love the songs

كنا نسمعها سوا

that we used to listen to together?

بتروحي مطرح مكنا

do you still go to the place

مع بعض نشم الهوى

where we used to hang out?

معقوله مش عم تحني

do you really not miss

تتكوني قريبه مني

being by my side?

انا كلما بحب بغني

whenever I want to sing

بغني اسمك وحدو بفكر في

I sing your name, it's the only thing that I think about

ياترى العطر البحبو

I'm wondering if you still

بعدك بتحطي

wear the perfume that I love

او لاني كنت حبو

or, because I loved it,

بطلتي تحبي

you've stopped wearing it

شعرك العشقتو طويل

your long hair that I was in love with

كان يقتلني لما يميل

it used to kill me when it sways

ياترى بعدو على حالو

I'm wondering, is it still the same

يا اما قصيتي

or have you cut it

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