Translation of the song Black Mamba artist aespa
Black Mamba
Black Mamba
I’m addicted
I'm addicted
Without an end
말을 걸어주는
To my aespa
나의 에스파
That talks to me
이런 교감,
This consensus,
너의 존잰 날
Your existence
다른 차원으로
Leads me
To another dimension
난 세상 중심에
I'm in the center of the universe
You’re in the FLAT
You're in the FLAT
내 모든 Action
With all of my actions
어린 너의 힘을 키워
I raise your young strength
넌 언젠가부터 SYNK out
One day you're going to SYNK out
노이즈같이 보여
You're gonna look like noise
더 이상 못 찾겠어
I can't find it anymore
널 유혹해 삼킨 건
The one that seduced and swallowed you
Black Mamba
Black Mamba
Ma Ma Ma Mamba
Ma Ma Ma Mamba
Woo oh-oh
Woo oh-oh
Ma Ma Ma Mamba
Ma Ma Ma Mamba
Oh eh-o eh-o
Oh eh-o eh-o
넌 광야를 떠돌고 있어
You're wandering around in the wilderness
(Aya ya ya ya ya ya)
(Aya ya ya ya ya ya)
나의 분신을 찾고 싶어
I want to find my alter ego
(Aya ya ya ya ya ya)
(Aya ya ya ya ya ya)
Hey Ma Mamba
Hey Ma Mamba
I hate Ma Ma Ma Mamba
I hate Ma Ma Ma Mamba
Hate Ma Ma Ma Mamba
Hate Ma Ma Ma Mamba
I’m ejected
I'm ejected
선함 만으론
I can't beat your grandeur
너의 거대함을 이기지 못해
With just my goodness
I’m exhausted
I'm exhausted
너의 존잰 모든
Your entire existence
탐욕들을 먹고 자라 났지
Grew up from eating greed
에스파는 나야
Aespa is me
둘이 될 수 없어
We can't become two
Monochrome to colors
Monochrome to colors
이건 Evo, Evolution
This is evo, evolution
Oh! 위험한 장난을 쳐
Oh! I play a dangerous game
매혹적이지만 널
Even though you're fascinating
부정할 밖에
I have to ignore it
모든 걸 삼켜버릴
I'm going to become the
Black Mamba
Black Mamba that swallows everything
Ma Ma Ma Mamba
Ma Ma Ma Mamba
Woo oh-oh
Woo oh-oh
Ma Ma Ma Mamba
Ma Ma Ma Mamba
Oh eh-o eh-o
Oh eh-o eh-o
넌 광야를 떠돌고 있어
You're wandering around in the wilderness
(Aya ya ya ya ya ya)
(Aya ya ya ya ya ya)
네게 맞서 난 질 수 없어
I want to find my alter ego
(Aya ya ya ya ya ya)
(Aya ya ya ya ya ya)
Hey Ma Mamba
Hey Ma Mamba
거울 속의 나는 네가 아닐까?
Is the me inside the mirror really you instead?
일그러져버린 환영인 걸까?
Is it an illusion that's become unclear?
다시 너와 연결될 수 있다면
If I can connect with you again
너를 만나고 싶어 이제
I want to meet you now
모든 걸 삼켜버릴
The one that swallows everything
Black Mamba
Black Mamba
Ma Ma Ma Mamba
Ma Ma Ma Mamba
Woo oh-oh
Woo oh-oh
Ma Ma Ma Mamba
Ma Ma Ma Mamba
Oh eh-o eh-o
Oh eh-o eh-o
넌 광야를 떠돌고 있어
You're wandering around in the wilderness
(Aya ya ya ya ya ya)
(Aya ya ya ya ya ya)
네게 맞서 난 질 수 없어
I want to find my alter ego
(Aya ya ya ya ya ya)
(Aya ya ya ya ya ya)
Hey Ma Mamba
Hey Ma Mamba