Translation of the song Maj '92 artist Mirun Vudrag "Pirgo"
Maj '92
May '92
Drugog maja ratne devedeset druge
May 2nd of the warstruck '92
Kod nas nikad nije bilo veće tuge
We've never had a greater tragedy
(Zacrni se nebo usred bijela dana
(The sky went dark in the middle of the day
Presta kucat srce u Mirka Cerana)X2
The heart of Mirko Ceran stopped beating)X2
Istog dana pogibe nam šest naših junaka
On the same day,six of our heroes fell
U selu je zaplakala svaka srpska majka
In the village,every Serbian mother cried
(Širom naše Posavine pobjede se slave
(Across our Posavina,VICTORIES are celebrated
Dok ustaške kukavice bježe preko Save)X2
While the Ustashe flee across Sava!)X2
Hrabri momci krenuše u boji za slobodu
The brave fighters went into battle for freedom
Opet srpska zastava vijori u Brodu
The Serbian flag is once again flying over Brod
(Pjeva će se pjesma sa naši usana
(A song will be sung from our lips
Ubili smo Ustaše,osvetili Cerana)X2
We killed Ustashe,avenged Ceran!)X2