Di waktu 'ku muda, muda remaja
When I was young, as young as a teenager
Kugemar menyanyi lagu yang daku cinta
I used to sing the song that I loved
Suaraku tak sedap dan sedikit pelik
My voice was really bad and a little bit weird
Tapi di dalam mimpiku, ini laguku
But in my dream, this is my song
Dengarlah, semua
Listen up everyone
Dengarkan iramaku
Please listen up to the rhythm
Kutulis segalanya dan dengarlah (Sedapnya)
I wrote everything and listen up (That is nice)
Azam 'tuk menyanyi tidak menjadi
My ambition to sing it had failed
Kutakut kudiejek dan diperlekehkan
I was afraid that I would be insulted and underestimated
'Ku pun tutup mulut dan pergi sembunyi (Tapi awak ada impian)
So I kept my mouth shut and hid (But you have a dream)
Bermimpi ini laguku
Dreaming that this is my song
Dengarkan kalau sudi
Listen up if you please
Dengarkanlah melodi (Dia tulis segalanya dan dengarlah)
Please listen up to the melody (She wrote everything and listen up)
Kurahsiakan laguku
I kept my song as a secret
Kuukir di kayu
I carved on wood
Menunggu sampai tiba masa
I waited until the time arrived
Kuyakinkan diriku dan kemampuanku
I was being confident in myself and my capability
Kunyanyikan satu not dan kumalu dan mati (Mati? Mati?)
I sang a note and I was embarrassed and I died (Die? Die)
Ya, dan 'ku pun menghantui demi 'tuk seni
Yes, and then, I haunt here for the sake of art
Bertahun kuderita (Tenangkan hatimu)
For years, I have been in agony (Please calm your heart down)
Sumpahan berakhir bila tamat lagu (Seperti dalam mimpi)
The curse will end when the song ends (Just like in the dream)
Kubermimpi semua turut nyanyi
I dream that everyone will also sing
Dengarlah semua
Listen up everyone
Nyanyikanlah bersama
Please sing it together
Jom nyanyi denganku (Dengarlah)
Come, sing with me (Listen up)
Janganlah sedih
Do not be sad
Jom nyanyi beramai-ramai
Come, we sing together
Kuatkan suara denganku
Raise your voice up with me
Dengarlah, hei sini!
Listen up, hey here!
Si tua menjengkelkan
This annoying old woman
Tapi lagu sedap, dengarlah
But this song is nice, listen up
Dengarlah, dengarlah
Listen up, listen up
Kami semua raikan untuk Ruth
We all are celebrating together for Ruth
Deminya, dengarlah
For the sake of Ruth, listen up