Inikah hidup gembira selamanya?
Is this the life which I can live happily for eternity?
Inikah takdir sebenar hidupku?
Is this the actual destiny of my life?
Daku sedar perbezaannya dari ku yang dulu
I realise the differences compared to the former me
Dan mungkin ini ku yang sebenar?
And maybe, is this the real me?
Setelah semuanya yang kulalui
After everything that I have been through
Segala pilihan yang kuputuskan
Every choice that I have decided
Rintangan yang telah kutempuh mendewasakanku
Every challenge that I faced made me as an adult
Pulang, menuju tempat asalku
I am home and heading to where I am from
Kini telah tiada langsung halangan
Now, there is no more obstacle
Tembok juga menara
Including the walls and the towers
Luas terbentang hingga angkasa
It is widely spread until the celestial realm
Kini ku gembira selama-lamanya
Now I am happy for eternity
Pulang kita, kembali bersama
We are home and again, we are together
Hidup gembira selamanya
Living happily for eternity
Hidup gembira selamanya
Living happily for eternity
Hidup gembira selamanya
Living happily for eternity
As long as possible